Choose A Safe Analog Meter - Opt Out
How To Opt Out
(800) 810-2369
(800) 427-2200
(877) 357-8525
(800) 342-5397

Call To Opt Out
When calling the phone numbers above, be prepared to be intimidated with threats of “we are all out of analog meters, but we can give you a digital meter with the radio turned off” and "the prices will go up for you" and other false scare tactics. They MUST provide you with an non-transmitting, non-digital, analog electromechanical meter. You do NOT have to give them a reason. If there is a problem push the call up to a Supervisor. See the Demand An Analog Meter (below). If you let them know that it is a health emergency, the utility will come out within a week with your new, shiny and safe analog meter.
Cost to Opt Out
There is an initial cost of $75 plus $10 per month for 36 months to protect your health, privacy and illegal practice known as extortion. For CARE customers the extortion rates are $10 initial and $5 per month for 36 months. (Note: Replacing your Smart Meter with an electromechanical meter may reduce your electric bill over time as Smart Meters have been known to over-calculate and over-bill customers.)
Who Can Opt Out
According to the California Public Utility Commission(CPUC), any residential SCE, PG&E or SDG&E customer may "Opt Out" of their flawed Smart Meter program. The “customer of record” (i.e., your name is on the bill) is the party allowed to Opt Out.
Verify the Analog Meter
Be sure to insist that the meter is the type you had before (i.e., analog or non-communicating digital). See Demand An Analog Meter (below). Customers are receiving a Landis & Gyr type MX electromechanical meter as a replacement. Unfortunately, this meter can be easily retrofitted into a wireless transmitting data collector (AMR meter) using an ERT antenna. We call it a Trojan Horse Meter and it is NOT the type of meter you had previously.
"Paid Under Duress/Paid Under Protest"
When billed for the Opt Out penalties we suggest you could write a separate check along with your regular check. In the note section write “Paid Under Duress/ Paid Under Protest”. Be sure to keep a copy of your checks. Alternatively, you may request to pay the $75 over a three-month period. You have 90 days from opting out to pay the fee. Mail the two checks (one for the penalty and one for the regular bill) and pay your bill on time.
When calling the phone numbers above, be prepared to be intimidated with threats of “we are all out of analog meters, but we can give you a digital meter with the radio turned off” and "the prices will go up for you" and other false scare tactics. They MUST provide you with an non-transmitting, non-digital, analog electromechanical meter. You do NOT have to give them a reason. If there is a problem push the call up to a Supervisor. See the Demand An Analog Meter (below). If you let them know that it is a health emergency, the utility will come out within a week with your new, shiny and safe analog meter.
Cost to Opt Out
There is an initial cost of $75 plus $10 per month for 36 months to protect your health, privacy and illegal practice known as extortion. For CARE customers the extortion rates are $10 initial and $5 per month for 36 months. (Note: Replacing your Smart Meter with an electromechanical meter may reduce your electric bill over time as Smart Meters have been known to over-calculate and over-bill customers.)
Who Can Opt Out
According to the California Public Utility Commission(CPUC), any residential SCE, PG&E or SDG&E customer may "Opt Out" of their flawed Smart Meter program. The “customer of record” (i.e., your name is on the bill) is the party allowed to Opt Out.
Verify the Analog Meter
Be sure to insist that the meter is the type you had before (i.e., analog or non-communicating digital). See Demand An Analog Meter (below). Customers are receiving a Landis & Gyr type MX electromechanical meter as a replacement. Unfortunately, this meter can be easily retrofitted into a wireless transmitting data collector (AMR meter) using an ERT antenna. We call it a Trojan Horse Meter and it is NOT the type of meter you had previously.
"Paid Under Duress/Paid Under Protest"
When billed for the Opt Out penalties we suggest you could write a separate check along with your regular check. In the note section write “Paid Under Duress/ Paid Under Protest”. Be sure to keep a copy of your checks. Alternatively, you may request to pay the $75 over a three-month period. You have 90 days from opting out to pay the fee. Mail the two checks (one for the penalty and one for the regular bill) and pay your bill on time.
File A CPUC Complaint - Southern California Pays Double Penalties
How to File:
Contact the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) with an email to, call (866) 849-8390, and file an online complaint with CPUC's Consumer Affairs Branch.
CPUC Complaint Summary:
--- California customers refuse Smart Meters based on health, privacy, pricing and safety concerns.
--- In March 2012, The CPUC relents and proposes a temporary Opt Out decision with penalties for PG&E and SDG&E customers to pay one "Opt Out" penalty to keep their safe analog electricity and gas meters.
--- However, here in Southern California the CPUC allows Southern California Edison and Southern California Gas to each charge Opt Out penalties.
--- Thus, Southern Californians face discriminatory DOUBLE Opt Out penalties for keeping both a safe analog electric and a safe analog gas meters as compared to other Californians*.
--- This Opt Out decision is not only temporary, but also costly for those customers who want to protect their health, privacy and safety.
--- Extortion: Paying a fee to protect one’s health, privacy and safety is illegal.
--- We are STILL WAITING for the CPUC decision. How Smart is that?
*SoCalGas wrote that customers must be ..."afforded the same or substantially similar opt-out options, under the same or substantially similar tariff requirements provided to California's electric customers and ensure uniformity of these options throughout SoCalGas' service territory and California." Double fees is NOT the same or substantially the same to California ratepayers.
Contact the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) with an email to, call (866) 849-8390, and file an online complaint with CPUC's Consumer Affairs Branch.
CPUC Complaint Summary:
--- California customers refuse Smart Meters based on health, privacy, pricing and safety concerns.
--- In March 2012, The CPUC relents and proposes a temporary Opt Out decision with penalties for PG&E and SDG&E customers to pay one "Opt Out" penalty to keep their safe analog electricity and gas meters.
--- However, here in Southern California the CPUC allows Southern California Edison and Southern California Gas to each charge Opt Out penalties.
--- Thus, Southern Californians face discriminatory DOUBLE Opt Out penalties for keeping both a safe analog electric and a safe analog gas meters as compared to other Californians*.
--- This Opt Out decision is not only temporary, but also costly for those customers who want to protect their health, privacy and safety.
--- Extortion: Paying a fee to protect one’s health, privacy and safety is illegal.
--- We are STILL WAITING for the CPUC decision. How Smart is that?
*SoCalGas wrote that customers must be ..."afforded the same or substantially similar opt-out options, under the same or substantially similar tariff requirements provided to California's electric customers and ensure uniformity of these options throughout SoCalGas' service territory and California." Double fees is NOT the same or substantially the same to California ratepayers.
Demand An Analog Meter

Is SCE making Opting Out of a Smart Meter difficult for you? According to CPUC Ruling Docket #A.11-07-020, utilities must provide a non-digital analog meter. If there is a problem ask to speak to a Supervisor and let us know. Below is the judge's ruling and the CPUC press release.
When we called SCE to Opt Out, they informed us that we were not eligible to participate in the Time of Use (TOU) rates. They said that we had to agree that we understand our ineligibility. This is an extra step that SCE is using to harass those opting out. This is NOT a condition of the program and should not have been asked.
Be sure to file a complaint against SCE by contacting Consumers Power Alliance attorney Channing at Tobin Law Group with the subject header "CPA Support – Letter of Complaint".
File a complaint with the CPUC's Consumer Affairs Division or call (800) 649-7570
1. Judge's Ruling:
On page 28 the judge ruled that customers can have the type of meter (analog) that was on before they put a smart meter on. This is what the judge ordered and SCE MUST follow it.
2. CPUC Press Release:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS RELEASE Media Contact: Terrie Prosper, 415.703.1366, Docket #: A.11-07-020
SAN FRANCISCO, April 19, 2012 - The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) today modified Southern California Edison's (SCE) and San Diego Gas & Electric's advanced metering programs to include an option for those residential customers who do not wish to have a wireless Smart Meter installed at their location.
Edison customers choosing to decline an electric Smart Meter may retain the meter currently installed at their location or receive the meter form (i.e., an analog meter or a non-analog, non-smart digital meter) that had been at their location prior to the installation of a wireless electric Smart Meter.
SDG&E customers who do not want a wireless Smart Meter installed at their location can choose to have an analog electric and/or gas meter.
Customers participating in the opt-out option will be assessed an initial fee of $75 and a monthly charge of $10 thereafter. Customers enrolled in the CPUC's low income program (California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE)) electing to opt-out will be assessed an initial fee of $10 and a monthly charge of $5. The initial fee and monthly charge approved today are interim to allow residential customers to begin selecting the opt-out option immediately. The costs are subject to adjustment upon conclusion of a second phase of this proceeding where issues concerning the actual costs associated with offering an analog opt-out option will be addressed.
Said CPUC President Michael R. Peevey, "As we move toward a more advanced electricity grid, Smart Meters will offer customers real benefits. However, if a customer does not want to have a Smart Meter, our decision today gives them that option."
The September 21, 2011, Assigned Commissioner's Ruling directing utilities to establish a delay list is no longer in effect and all customers on a delay list will be transitioned to a wireless Smart Meter unless they elect to participate in their utility's opt-out option.
The proposal voted on for SCE is available at The proposal voted on for SDG&E is available at
Is SCE making Opting Out of a Smart Meter difficult for you? According to CPUC Ruling Docket #A.11-07-020, utilities must provide a non-digital analog meter. If there is a problem ask to speak to a Supervisor and let us know. Below is the judge's ruling and the CPUC press release.
When we called SCE to Opt Out, they informed us that we were not eligible to participate in the Time of Use (TOU) rates. They said that we had to agree that we understand our ineligibility. This is an extra step that SCE is using to harass those opting out. This is NOT a condition of the program and should not have been asked.
Be sure to file a complaint against SCE by contacting Consumers Power Alliance attorney Channing at Tobin Law Group with the subject header "CPA Support – Letter of Complaint".
File a complaint with the CPUC's Consumer Affairs Division or call (800) 649-7570
1. Judge's Ruling:
On page 28 the judge ruled that customers can have the type of meter (analog) that was on before they put a smart meter on. This is what the judge ordered and SCE MUST follow it.
2. CPUC Press Release:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS RELEASE Media Contact: Terrie Prosper, 415.703.1366, Docket #: A.11-07-020
SAN FRANCISCO, April 19, 2012 - The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) today modified Southern California Edison's (SCE) and San Diego Gas & Electric's advanced metering programs to include an option for those residential customers who do not wish to have a wireless Smart Meter installed at their location.
Edison customers choosing to decline an electric Smart Meter may retain the meter currently installed at their location or receive the meter form (i.e., an analog meter or a non-analog, non-smart digital meter) that had been at their location prior to the installation of a wireless electric Smart Meter.
SDG&E customers who do not want a wireless Smart Meter installed at their location can choose to have an analog electric and/or gas meter.
Customers participating in the opt-out option will be assessed an initial fee of $75 and a monthly charge of $10 thereafter. Customers enrolled in the CPUC's low income program (California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE)) electing to opt-out will be assessed an initial fee of $10 and a monthly charge of $5. The initial fee and monthly charge approved today are interim to allow residential customers to begin selecting the opt-out option immediately. The costs are subject to adjustment upon conclusion of a second phase of this proceeding where issues concerning the actual costs associated with offering an analog opt-out option will be addressed.
Said CPUC President Michael R. Peevey, "As we move toward a more advanced electricity grid, Smart Meters will offer customers real benefits. However, if a customer does not want to have a Smart Meter, our decision today gives them that option."
The September 21, 2011, Assigned Commissioner's Ruling directing utilities to establish a delay list is no longer in effect and all customers on a delay list will be transitioned to a wireless Smart Meter unless they elect to participate in their utility's opt-out option.
The proposal voted on for SCE is available at The proposal voted on for SDG&E is available at
Not A Permanent Solution
Unfortunately, the Opt Out is only a temporary fix. It has been construed by many to be, at best, a temporary fix loaded with problems and, at worst, as a game of smoke and mirrors.
Slowly responding to thousands of complaints, it took the CPUC several years to react and pass a (Phase 1) Opt Out option while, in the meantime, ignoring the basis of the complaints and enabling most of California to get Smart Metered.
The Opt Out option comes with a hefty price tag that is subject to change as the CPUC "Phase 2" filings have been going on since 2012.
As part of Phase 2, SCE will be throwing everything but the kitchen sink into their cost calculations to show how expensive it is to operate a duplicate Opt Out metering system. Never mind that it has been around for the past 30 years.
Further, it doesn't matter whether or not you kept your old meter or that it was taken without your knowledge or consent, you will pay the cost of a new analog meter. It doesn't matter that you would be willing to read your own meter or calculate your own bill, you will be paying for the cost to have someone do this for you. Any efficiency will surely NOT be passed on to Opt Out customers who are on the hook to pay in full. Every effort is being made to make Opt Outs a relic of the past along with the safe analog meters that come along with it.
In addition, although all SCE customers have been paying an extra 1.6% tax since 2008 to pay for an expensive Smart Meter program, only those who choose to Opt Out will bear the burden to pay for duplicate metering systems. No credit will be given Opt Out customers for the money they have paid towards the Smart Metering program. To have an Opt Out customer pay for a metering system that has been in place for the past 30 years is one thing. But to also have them pay for a Smart Metering program that they do not plan to use is inequitable.
The Opt Out does not fix stupid. The CPUC is blatantly ignoring problems with Smart Meters.
This "smart" program that is terribly flawed should not have been started in the first place. It is being jammed thru as customers inconveniently become ill, became aware that their civil and constitutional rights are being violated, and as their houses catch fire and people DIE.
What is ironic is that the CPUC was the organization that originally adopted this lousy program in the first place then forced the Big Utility players to join in. Now that customers have loudly complained, the CPUC arises as the good guy by benevolently allowing unhappy customers a way out, but for an unfortunate heavy price tag imposed by the Big Bad Utility. It's a sham and a ruse.
Slowly responding to thousands of complaints, it took the CPUC several years to react and pass a (Phase 1) Opt Out option while, in the meantime, ignoring the basis of the complaints and enabling most of California to get Smart Metered.
The Opt Out option comes with a hefty price tag that is subject to change as the CPUC "Phase 2" filings have been going on since 2012.
As part of Phase 2, SCE will be throwing everything but the kitchen sink into their cost calculations to show how expensive it is to operate a duplicate Opt Out metering system. Never mind that it has been around for the past 30 years.
Further, it doesn't matter whether or not you kept your old meter or that it was taken without your knowledge or consent, you will pay the cost of a new analog meter. It doesn't matter that you would be willing to read your own meter or calculate your own bill, you will be paying for the cost to have someone do this for you. Any efficiency will surely NOT be passed on to Opt Out customers who are on the hook to pay in full. Every effort is being made to make Opt Outs a relic of the past along with the safe analog meters that come along with it.
In addition, although all SCE customers have been paying an extra 1.6% tax since 2008 to pay for an expensive Smart Meter program, only those who choose to Opt Out will bear the burden to pay for duplicate metering systems. No credit will be given Opt Out customers for the money they have paid towards the Smart Metering program. To have an Opt Out customer pay for a metering system that has been in place for the past 30 years is one thing. But to also have them pay for a Smart Metering program that they do not plan to use is inequitable.
The Opt Out does not fix stupid. The CPUC is blatantly ignoring problems with Smart Meters.
- Whether or not a person opts out doesn't fix the fact that a Smart Meter collects copious data to an extent that it is considered by the a former CIA Director to be a form of warrant-less wiretapping.
- Pulsed electromagnetic microwave radiation causes health problems and the associated radiation has harmed too many people already.
- The entire premise of putting all of our utility systems on a hackable wireless network with millions of end points is fatally flawed.
- What legal authority permits a governmental-regulated utility to force a wireless transmitting device onto personal property without consent from the owner?
- What legal authority permits a remotely-controlled computer to be forcibly placed on personal property without consent of the owner?
This "smart" program that is terribly flawed should not have been started in the first place. It is being jammed thru as customers inconveniently become ill, became aware that their civil and constitutional rights are being violated, and as their houses catch fire and people DIE.
What is ironic is that the CPUC was the organization that originally adopted this lousy program in the first place then forced the Big Utility players to join in. Now that customers have loudly complained, the CPUC arises as the good guy by benevolently allowing unhappy customers a way out, but for an unfortunate heavy price tag imposed by the Big Bad Utility. It's a sham and a ruse.
How Did We Get Here?
2009 to 2011: Angry customers, along with over 57 CA local governments, refusing non-mandated Smart Meters become activists and appeal for relief to the CPUC.
November 2011: The CPUC relents and releases a "Proposed Decision" (pdf) allowing PG&E, SDG&E and SCE customers to keep their safe analog meters (aka Smart Meter Opt Out)...but only IF they pay a penalty for this choice.
May 2012: SoCalGas joins along and files Application A12-05-016 (pdf file) to the CPUC so they can also penalize customers for keeping their safe analog gas meters.
December 2012: CPUC conducts emergency hearings one week before Christmas to get public input on the "Proposed Decision" before a self-imposed 12/31/12 deadline. Over 100 of us showed up in San Juan Capistrano.
October 2014: The CPUC not only missed their 'emergency' 12/31/12 deadline, but they have postponed and delayed a ruling on the "Proposed Decision" (Opt Out penalties) over 5 times now! - until October 4, 2014.
December 2014: Final decision on the second opt out proceeding. For details on the decision click here.
November 2011: The CPUC relents and releases a "Proposed Decision" (pdf) allowing PG&E, SDG&E and SCE customers to keep their safe analog meters (aka Smart Meter Opt Out)...but only IF they pay a penalty for this choice.
May 2012: SoCalGas joins along and files Application A12-05-016 (pdf file) to the CPUC so they can also penalize customers for keeping their safe analog gas meters.
December 2012: CPUC conducts emergency hearings one week before Christmas to get public input on the "Proposed Decision" before a self-imposed 12/31/12 deadline. Over 100 of us showed up in San Juan Capistrano.
October 2014: The CPUC not only missed their 'emergency' 12/31/12 deadline, but they have postponed and delayed a ruling on the "Proposed Decision" (Opt Out penalties) over 5 times now! - until October 4, 2014.
December 2014: Final decision on the second opt out proceeding. For details on the decision click here.