Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Protection
How Do I Protect Myself and My Family?
Measure - You can only mitigate radiation from your home if you can find it. We recommend you get an RF meter and a EMF meter.
Mitigate - Remove the radiation by using wired connections.
- How to wire up your computer.
- Eliminate or reduce cell phone use.
- Test and reduce 'dirty electricity' in your wiring.
- Consider earthing.
- Remove cordless DECT phones and use a wired landline phone.
- Shield bedrooms from neighboring WiFi, DECT phones and Smart Meters.
- Read more from DVD's and Books.
Build a Safer Home:
Hire a EMR Specialist to come to your home or office:
- Oram Miller from Create Healthy Homes (Los Angeles and Orange County areas)
- Michael Shwabe (San Diego area)
- Building Biologist Referral List
Other Product Websites:
Bed canopies (better quality than those at LessEMF)
For more solutions see www.LessEMF.com